Posted by Cikgu BM at 8:33 AM

Comic Books

Comic Book Awards - When you think of comic books, one of the last things you think about is if any comic books receive any accolades. Is there such a thing as comic book awards? Apparently there are. In America alone, there are several companies that the awards are giv

Comic Book Collections - One of my favorite hobbies is the collection of used and new comic books. I possess over fifteen hundred and fifty comic books that include first printings, autographed copies and graphic novels. Almost all of my collection is super heroes. Why do peopl

Comic Book Companies - The genre of the comic book culture has many ardent fans. The readership proves that true. In that venue, the proliferation of comic book companies is astonishing. There are over one hundred comic book companies and many more that are defunct. The compe

Comic Book Merchandising - When a comic book hero becomes famous, the natural inclination is to profit from it. The merchandising of comic book characters is such a venue. The advertising agencies are cognizant of that fact, and so are the comic book publishers. The merchandising

Comic Books and Graphic Novels - Comic books and graphic novels today represent a significant shift in how society is feeling. Society as a whole portends what direction we are headed. Comic book companies recognize that. The graphic novel is an extension of a comic book in that it con

Comic Books And The Movies - The movie industry is abuzz with comic books being adapted to the full screen. Not only is it profitable for Hollywood to produce comic book characters, but for the comic book industry too. There have been low budget movies and television series based o

Comic Books From Around the World - There are a vast number of comic books to choose since their inception. When someone thinks about comic books, they think of everyday comics and their heroes in this country. However, comic books do not always come from the United States. The vast ma

Comic Books In The 21st Century - Comic books have been around for over seventy years. Comic books in the twenty-first century are quite different since its inception nearly a century ago. The industry has matured and the characters are more fully developed. The villains are more villai

Concerns With Comic Books - One of the areas of concern with comic books is the violence. The violence contained in some of the comic books today is common. With more realism being demanded, comic books of today assimilate real life situations into their plots. The perilous undert

Conflict And Its Resolution In Comic Books - The conflict and its resolution in comic books is an interesting aspect to the comic book world. The non-superhero comic book has conflict resolutions in them because that is the basis of that type of story. In comic books, the detective gets a client w

Creating Your Own Comic Book Hero - Making your own comic book hero is not as easy as it sounds. Many things go into starting one. What are your hero's names? What are his or hers powers? Who are the nemeses? Does it have the same science that is on earth, as we know it, or divergent one?

Crossovers In Comic Books - One of the most popular and noteworthy of the comic book business is the crossover between DC comics and Marvel comics. The crossovers commenced in 1975 with a tie in with the wizard of oz. In that comic book, it was Superman and Spiderman. Whether you

Heroes And Villains In Comic Books - Heroes and villains in comic books have made their mark in society. Not just in comic books but in literature throughout the ages. Essentially literature and comic books bring to life the drama associated between good and evil, and it is that premise th

Learning New Words From Comic Books - When someone thinks of comic books, they probably don't take into account the cache of words that are displayed on each page. Most people think comic books are for kids and a waste of time for adults. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have be

Message Boards For Comic Books - Check out the search engine Google and see how many message boards, discussion groups and general forums there are for comic books and you will be amazed. There are close to two million hits. There are many redundancies in the hits but you get the point

Rare and First Printing Comic Books - Rare and first printing comic books are an industry that comprises serious minded individual's intent on getting their moneys worth. There is a great deal of information that needs to be understood prior to getting into the business. The values placed o

Social issues in comic books - One of the primer changes in comic books today is that they address social issues. Social issues in comic books became prevalent in the last thirty-five years. The revamping occurred when society decided to address social concerns. Some of the comic boo

The Bronze Age of Comic Books - The bronze age of comic books is generally considered from the early 1970's to the mid 1980's in the American culture. This period saw a continuance from the silver age. However, during this time the comic book publishers were introducing a darkening of

The Comic Book Code Authority - The comic book code authority was formed in 1954 because people believed that the comic book industry was becoming too graphic and violent. The content was deemed inappropriate for the populace. Some of the restrictions included the misrepresentation of

The Ever-Changing Powers of Comic Book Heroes - From time to time a change, in one or more comic book hero's powers, occurs. There can be a multitude of reasons behind this. Has the comic book hero become stagnant? Has the readership declined over the past several months? Did a metamorphosis happen w

The Golden Age of Comic Books - By and large, the accepted time frame for the golden age of comic books ran from a period from the 1930's through the mid-1950's. It was a prosperous time for the American comic book realm. Many of today's super heroes were inaugurated during this stage

The Modern Age of Comic Books - The Modern Age of American comic books of is thought to be between the mid-1980 until present day. This age saw a continuation of the Bronze Age with a notable exception. The independent comic book publishers grew and rose from obscurity. Some of the mo

The Science Fiction of Comic Books - The science fiction of comic books always fascinated the public. Where else could you read a forty-eight page comic book and find alternate universes or parallel universes? One could read a science fiction short story or a novel, but to see a visual rep

The Silver Age of Comic Books - The silver age of comic books lasted approximately from the late 1950's to the early 1970's. During this period, a few attributes of comic book characters started to develop. One of the most interesting developments was the incorporation of science f

Why Comic Books Are Important - Comic books are important because they represent a segment of the population that like to fantasize that they can escape the hardship of everyday life. In comic books they can be the hero, the nemesis, or a third party that may or may not become pivotal